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dead fish

25 9:52:46


Bubbles on water
Today I came out to feed my comets - 32 of them in a 2,520 gallon pond. They ranged from 2 inches to almost 5 inches, and I've had most of them for 2-3 years. Anyways, I noticed bubbles on the top of my water - enough to cause alarm and all 32 of my fish are dead.
We got a new pump this year - one that does 3,500 gallons an hour, I have a bio-filter that we run this pump through, and the clean water comes down a waterfall. I don't have a test kit (mine only checks for ph)and was suspecting Oxygen Depletion???
Also, quick facts...I did have a problem with water leaking out of the pond, which I fixed (minor liner problem), then I refilled the rest of the pond last week using stuff to remove the choline, etc. I also added some colorant to the pond (to make it blue) at the same time. Today the water is clear, no blueing left if that helps...

Hey Melissa I am with you it is some kind of oxygen depletion. When water bubbles are at the surface that is what it is. You can't blue the water when you have a filter because the filter will take the blue out so the good thing is that your filter is working. You have to clean the bottom of the pond every year and that is alot of fish to have in your pond. The problem is that 2 years ago they were not as big as they are now and the bigger they get the less oxygen. I wouldn't have any more than 10 fish plus it gives them room to breed but when you get 30 fish 5 inches you need to take some out. Hope this helps Eric