Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > dead shubunkin

dead shubunkin

25 9:50:59

Hi, I have 5 Shubunkin fish in a large garden pond, this
morning I notice one floating at the top with what looks
like white soft spots over him, I have cleaned the water
about 2 weeks ago and they have all seemed fine, but
yesterday i noticed this fish eating off the plants instead
and now he is dead, how do i stop this from happening to my
other fish?. I don't add anything to the water, they have
lilly pad and reeds and i feed them pond sticks should i be
feeding them somthing different?

The only way to stop fish from eating plants is by making the plant inaccessible.  You can do this by looping a plastic wiring around the plants up to the water's surface.  Pond sticks are fine, but as it gets colder (average of 50 degrees F water temperature) switch to a wheat-germ based food.  As far as the fish, it sounds like it could either be ich or a fungus.