Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > koi


25 9:50:55

Well I never was able to find any answer you sent, which makes me believe the web site is a bunch of b.s...thank you for nothing !!!

I answered your question already.  I'm sorry if you somehow didn't receive it.  I assure you, I have answered over 300 questions and this is the first that went undelivered.  Here's a copy of the answer I provided.

"   As long as the pond is at least 2' deep in a few places, the fish will be fine.  You just need to punch several holes in the ice to allow oxygen in.  They don't hibernate in the mud like reptiles.  The white spot will go away on its own."

I think it's a bit strange that you only waited 16 hours before sending your snarling follow-up, especially since the information you sought could have very easily been found on Google within minutes.  A bit of that upstate NY attitude there I suppose.