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turtle food....

22 16:48:14

Hi, i have had my new red eared slider turtle for about 2 weeks, at first i fed him turtle food, but once i introduced him to live foods like butter worms, silk worms, goldfish and more he never eats his regular turtle food, please help me to start getting him back on his normal food, i really cant afford it all.THANKS!!!!

'Regular turtle food' IS small live food. Packaged turtle food is often absolute rubbish, nutritionally. Turtles should not be fed foods that contain any flies or ants, or any parts thereof- the first warning sign of bad quality food.

Good quality turtle chow will run you a bit more. About the cheapest is also some of the hardest to get- Purina Trout Chow or similar brand products.

You ought to be able to find bugs and worms around locally to feed, or try for stuff from bait shops (as long as it is healthy) to keep the prices down.

To switch back to a different diet, just stop feeding it for a couple dys, then offer the trout chow or similar food. Remove whatever is uneaten after an hour and try again the next day. If, aftger a few days, it does not eat, try a couple worms.