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hatchling map turtle problems

22 16:15:44

I recently got two hatchling map turtles from a friend who found them at the lake. We keep them in a 10 gallon aquarium with rocks built up on one side and a rocky background around 3 sides. We use water from our 1/3 acre pond. We don't put them in the pond because we are worried we won't be able to find them. So far, I've been feeding them earth worms, and have considered getting pellets as well. I have to UVB lamp as of yet, but I put them outside in the sun about twice a week. I've noticed today that one turtle has a very dark shell and fungus-hairy growth on his neck. He also won't eat. Should I put him in the pond, move the aquarium to a lower traffic area, clean the aquarium more thoroughly, or will the lamp solve this problem?

Hi, Liz!

I think your best bet will be the pond, although Map Turtles prefer moving water and will probably leave.

The thing is, 10 gallons is pretty small for one turtle by itself, especially with other stuff in it. The water you are using from the pond is filled with microscopic plants and such that are growing in the tank. Using clean water and a good filter is better.

Earthworms are not a great diet all by themselves. You need to add things with bones or shells also- small fish, insects, arthropods, shrimp, etc.- either live or frozen and thawed (not freeze-dried). Pellets are good too, to make a more balanced diet.

Good lighting will help, but not really solve the problem by itself.

I think you really need to look over a good care sheet for this species and see what you can do to make it healthier and happier. Try this one for a start:

Good luck!