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Turtles mating

22 16:15:23


I have two turtles which I believe they are american map turtles. One is a male and the other a female. I wanted to know if they would be able to mate or not. If so what are the conditions and the time for mating.


If they are the same species of Map Turtles (Graptemys species), they could. Are they both old enough- usually 4-6 years old, about 4" long shell length? And are you sure they are male and female- it can be hard to sex immature turtles.

Conditions- proper housing and cares. If the tank is too small, temps too hot or cold, etc. they will be stressed and not mate as readily.

Time- usually spring, but it can be most of the year.

You can get more specific information from some of the Map Turtle keepers at

Good luck!