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res broken nails and spots

22 16:06:25


red eared
i have a red eared slider about 5 to 6 cm.. he lives in an aquarium abou 1.5 feet long, it also has a basking site..the temperature of the water is 27 degrees.. is it necessary to use a filter? i keep him in the sun everyday for sometime and give him fish food, corn in the afternoon once in a day and he has been eating and excreting is captive bred and there isnt any other animal with it i recently noticed that 2 of his front claws are missing.. will they regrow? also he has white spots which turn brown in the sun?? what is the treatment for it..

What is the temperature of the basking site?
Is the water temp 27C?

Filtration is necessary for water turtles, unless you want to do water changes at least every week and them possibly get sick.

Placing the turtle in the sun inside the terrarium may kill him of heat stress. The turtle needs a basking heat lamp as well as a UVB lamp, or a mercury vapor which does both functions.

The picture is not clear, and does not show the injury to the claws, therefore I cannot say what the spots are and what the treatment is, nor whether the claws will grow back, because I don't know how much is missing. If it is the nails, they may grown back if they have not been pulled out. If the digits are malformed due to genetics or were severed due to injury, then they probably won't grow back. If this occurred recently, then he will surely get an infection being inside water that is not filtered.