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mother dead will babies be OK

22 11:06:58

Our mother rabbit didn't handle the heat today and unfortunately I found her dead.  Her babies were OK but I brought them inside to cool down just in case.  I'm not sure of their exact age because it was all an unexpected breeding (escaped male) but I think they are about 4 - 5 weeks old.  I had noticed they had been trying to suckle but she hadn't been letting them but they weren't interested in her food yet.  Will they be OK to wean.  Is there anything I can do help them.

If they are between 4 and 5 weeks old, it is possible that they will be okay. Give them plenty of fresh timothy hay, grass hay, or oat hay. Also give them some rolled oats (plain, unflavoured oatmeal is fine). Both of these things will help keep serious digestive problems away.

Keep the babies together until 8 weeks of age (at which tiem, seperate the males from the females) to prevent any more stress. Monitor them closely. Be on the lookout for any signs of digestive problems including not eating or changes in the feces (especially getting smaller than normal or runny feces). Watch the bellies to make sure none start to look bloated (not just full of food, but actually distended and bloated).