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Rabbit Eyesight

22 10:44:36

I am undertaking a school pyschology project related to classical and operant conditioning and I am trying to teach my rabbit the difference between two alternative exits to an enclosed space.  If he exits through one door he will gain a reward if he exits through the other one he will be (unseverly) punished.  I was wondering if you knew the best way for me to differentiate between the two doors, (ie by painting on door black and one white) If you could let me know about the different ways rabbits perceive and differentiate colour and what the best way to distinguish between the two doors would be I would be very grateful.


Dear Declan,

Rabbits have limited color vision, but are good at distinguishing between dark and light (such as black and white).  You can read a complete article about what rabbits see here:

I hope when you say "punished unseverely" that you really mean unseverely.  I would hate for you to break the bond you have with your rabbit just for a school project!  Rabbits are extremely sensitive to negative stimuli.  They are not like dogs in the sense that they accept discipline from an "alpha" without question.  Rather, they start to see the person who administers punishment as an enemy, and may undergo behavioral changes that will NOT be pleasant for either you or your bunny.

I hope this helps.
