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Rabbits living in pens?

22 10:28:21

Hi Lee,
First of all I want to thank you and say that you are my favorite person on to ask about bunnies.
 Ok I was wondering if it is ok to let my bunny stay in her pen while I am not there? Her pen is a pretty good. "The pen features eight white panels with 1" bar spacing. Each panel measures 18" wide by 29" high and assembles together to form a 43" diameter pen." That is the description of it on the "Smith and Foster" website. I put two of those pen's together to create one big pen. Do you think it is large enough? My parents don't want her to have free run of the house so I compromised. So do you think the pen is a good size and would it be ok if I left her in it without supervision, like when I am at school? I would put her in her cage a night though. Do you think her living conditions sound good? I want her to be a very happy bunny. Thank you Lee!!

Hi Katherine,

yes, I think what you are describing is okay.  Of course we all want them to have as much space as possible, but two x-pens in this arrangement give even a larger bunny a decent area to play in.  Plus it's probably small enough that she couldn't run fast enough to get enough speed to jump the gate.  

She'll have enough exercise room to stretch, run and play.  It has enough room for a litterpan, a diggy pile (of old cotton tshirts/towels), and for a hidey box and a few toys (like hard plastic baby keys, maybe a wood chew block, and a heavy crock for water.  If she's a jumper, put the hidey-box in the middle of the pen setup.  Don't put anything she could use to give her an extra boost over the gate.

We use these gates all over our house.

Our guys do not have free run of our house.  Most people will be somewhere in between.  For us it's a safety thing as we move stuff around or have an outside door open or the door to the basement, etc.

Plus it's not your place so it's a good solution.  She'll have good time out exercising.

Sounds like your gal will be living the good life! Lee