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Heterochromia in rabbits

22 10:04:29

I'm about to purchase a rabbit with one blue eye and one brown. The coloring of his eyes however are not clear and bright but more milky. He is white with soft-grey ears. Are there any potential health problems I should be looking out for, particularly with eyes this color?


Dear Claudine,

If it is only the iris that's pale, then there is no reason to worry. That eye might be a little more light-sensitive than the normally pigmented one, but that's about it.

If the *pupil* is pale, however, this is a major concern, as it could signal anything from a corneal ulcer to an intra-ocular abscess.  This should be seen by a rabbit-savvy vet or veterinary ophthalmologist for prompt treatment.

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

and all the best information for proper care of your new pal here:

Hope this helps.
