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shaking, and making a weird noise

22 9:58:23

hi, i have a black mini rex, he is two years old. he has been pretty healthy all his life. we recently moved out of my parents home and now he shares a room with me. because he lived outside before i was unable to spend long periods of time with him, so i don't know how long this has been going on. it happens about once every day, he lays down and he sort of... spasms and he has short little grunts its kind of like hiccups but i couldn't find anywhere on the web that says rabbits hiccup. anyways he is eating and pooping normal other then is it normal for some poops to be small and some to be large?
davey and i appreciate your time and effort. thank you for all that you do.


Dear Kelci,

Rabbits can get the hiccups, but they usually are not accompanied by spasms.  I would get bun to a good rabbit vet:

who can check his molars for spurs, listen to his lungs and upper respiratory tract, intestines, and give him a complete wellness check.  Since I can't see the behavior, I can't be sure what's going on.  Best to have this checked by a good vet in person.

Hope this helps.
