Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > poisoned?


22 9:42:08

We have a bunny rabbit for over a year now. Its a true challenge for me to keep him clean (he has very long hair) everything just sticks to him especially his droppings. The other day I had to cut lots of hair from his rear and had no choice but rinse him off.
I made a mistake and used a dog shampoo bc water alone was not removing the dirt, he was wiggling and jumping up and accidently his nose end up under soapy water for a few seconds. We rinsed him off and dried him up but after few hours i noticed him very lethargic next he stopped to drink and eat. Right now he drinks only if I put water directly in front of him in the bowl (almost as if he no longer smells his water bottle)hes still not eating not even an apple which normally its his absolutely favorite. I called up several vets in our neighborhood but they don't take rabbits?!Is there anything I can give him? any homemade plant base remedy. Please let me know what you think about this and if you have any suggestions. I know i need to get him to the vet :(
thank you so much awaiting your answer.

Hi Mag

Poor bun! I would try vets a little further afield ASAP. They need to take his temperature, heart rate, try and work out what's happened because it could be a number of things. I would go with shock over poison, stress and shock can really do a number on rabbits. If he's not eating he can get secondary problems like gut stasis.

There's not a whole lot other than keeping him quiet, warm, dry and monitored that you can do at home, no magic fixes without being able to diagnose exactly what's up with him. It could well just be shock from the bath though, keep the bun somewhere cozy, his regular home where he's comfortable, and monitor without overly fussing. Meanwhile get calling around vets a bit further afield!

Have everything crosses your bun pulls through, when he does go on a mission to get local vets treating "exotics" like rabbits!!
