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Travelling in winter

20 11:39:16

Hello Melinda,
I am taking my yorkie with me on a trip to Moldova, where the temperature at this moment is about -15C. I am planning to get him a warm coat/parka, but just wanted to ask you advice on whether I can walk him outside in the snow without problems, or will it be too cold for him?

thanks in advance!


I am wondering what your definition of "walking" him outside in the snow entails.  If you mean that you will take him outside to go to the potty then you should be ok as long as it is for a very brief period of time.  My concern would not be so much for his overall body temperature (because he will have a warm parka on) but at that temperature his feet could get frostbitten in a very short period of time.  I guess what you have to compare it to would be if you were to go outside at that temperature in your bare feet.  I know there are dogs that can stand that temperature on their feet but that is because the breed is derived from a cold culture.  If you are planning to take him for long walks I would caution you against that; if however you are just planning on taking him out for a brief period of time to do his job then you should be fine.

