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Is my yorkie pregnant

20 11:39:04

My female yorkie started with her period on 12/25/2007. How can I tell if she is
pregnant. I dont even know if my male latched on. Her nipples are huge and the
back nipples are swollen. Is there any danger? My vet said I should wait until her
second or third period or for her to be two years old.. This is channel second
period and she will be two in May 2008.


You should be alright because the rule of thumb is to mate them either on their second heat or after they are a year old which ever comes first.  It sounds like she is pregnant because her nipples are swollen.  Her pee pee should be swollen as well.  I hope your male is smaller than she is because if he is not then you could be in for some problems.  If he is smaller than she is then you should not have anything to worry about.