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yorkie acting different.

20 11:38:57

For the past couple days my teacup Yorkie, who is 9 years old has been not acting like herself.  She has been really sleepy.  Her appetite has seemed to decrease.  I also noticed that she will not leave my side.  If I go to do something she just whimpers until I pick her up, she has never done that before.  She is up to date on her shots.  I am just worried about her.


Your best bet is to have her checked out by your vet.  Because she is nine years old it could be a serious health problem.  Females can get cervical cancer especially if they have not been spayed.  One of the signs that a dog is sick is that they will stop eating.  Because her eating has declined that would also be a concern.

Most dogs do not show pain even if they are in a great deal of pain.  I cannot tell you without seeing her if she is indeed in pain but if she is whimpering it could be a sign that she is in pain.  As dogs age they begin to have health problems the same as humans.  Because of her advanced age I believe a through checkup is in order to rule out any serious illnesses.  The symptoms you describe by themselves may not mean anything but all of them together add up to a potential health problem.  Take your baby to the vet asap so that if she is sick, suffering or in pain you can act quickly to prevent anything more serious from taking place.