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Yorkie problems

20 11:37:32

Hello, I have a 4 month old yorkie, and he screams when poops.  His poop is a little hard and I noticed a few times it was a little big for him. I called the vet and they told me to give him some mineral oil which I did, but it doesnt seem to be working.  He is real sluggish and is kind of laying around (not his normal energetic self). I noticed he is not drinking a lot of water either.  I am feeding him, IAMS puppy food, I am trying to switch him over to Eukaneba puppy food and he is starting to eat that really well.


There are a lot of reasons that a puppy can get constipated.  Changes in their diet can cause this to happen so I would look at that first since you are trying to switch foods.  Try putting his food in a bowl with very hot water and leaving it sit until the water soaks completely up into the food.  It should then be the consistency of oatmeal.  Making sure it is not to hot you can feed it to him after the water has soaked up into the food.  The softer food and the extra water will help with his digestion and hopefully loosen up his stools.

If he does not show some improvement in the next couple of days I would take him to the vet just to be on the safe side.