Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Yorkshire Terriers Yorkies > teeth


20 11:37:29

I just got a yorkiepoo.  I don't know how old he is, but my question is how old are most yorkiepoos when their teeth come in?  Cozmo doesn't have any teeth.


At eight weeks of age he should have a full set of baby teeth.  Most responsible breeders will not let a puppy go until they are weaned which usually occurs at between 6 to 8 weeks.  If your dog is between these ages he should have teeth.  I would encourage you to take him to the vet to have him checked out.  Not just because he has no teeth but also because if the reason he has no teeth is because he is less than six weeks of age you need to make sure he is healthy.  Also, how is he eating with no teeth?  What are you feeding him?  Why don't you know how old he is? You need to make sure he is getting enough nutrients to grow properly so what you feed him until he gets his teeth in is very important.