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yorkies ears

20 11:37:23

I have a nine week old yorkie and only one of his ears are standing.  Will the ear eventually stand on it's own?  Thanks!

Hi Melinda,

Yorkshire Terrier ears should stand erect as young puppies.  To keep them erect they must be trimmed every few weeks by beginning about 1/3 of the way down from the top of the ear, carefully snipping or shaving the hair from the inner and outer surfaces of the ear. When all the hair has been snipped away, the edges of the ears may be trimmed, being extremely careful not to cut into the ear leather.  This is best done in bright light, the contour of the ear is followed and any stray hair is then snipped away.  This is best done by a professional groomer. That should make its ears straight if not, if not contact me again.

                I Hope I Helped,

Feel free to ask me more questions and/or give me a follow up. I would love to hear from you again.