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how many pups do female toy yorkies have.

20 11:37:07

I have a blue-gold 11 month old toy yorkie we want to breed
with a female of the same kind. What age is approiate to breed him and how many typically do females give birth too?


I was shocked when I got your rating.  I have re-read my response and for the life of me I cannot understand how you could have thought I was insinuating that you had done no research.  All I was suggesting was that if you plan to get into the breeding business you should do plenty of research so that you could be successful and avoid some of the pitfalls you may encounter if you were not knowledgeable.  I thought I was giving you some valuable things to look out for in order to make sure you were successful.  Frankly, I think the experts who volunteer their time should be able to rate the people who ask the questions.  This site is free, every expert volunteers their time to try and help others.  I always try to answer questions in a thoughtful manner and I do not feel that I deserved your rude, ungrateful comments.  Hopefully you were just having a bad day and I was the one you decided to take it out on.  If not you have my sympathies because you must have a miserable life with that huge chip on your shoulder.

You should not start using him as a stud until he is over one year of age.  The amount of puppies is dependent on the male's sperm and the size of the female.  Typically a breeder will breed a 2.5 to 3 pound male with a 5 to 6 pound female.  This is the desired weights in order to produce "toy" puppies which is what most people want to purchase.  You should do some research before you decide to get into the stud service business.  There is a lot to learn about what to charge, what guarantees you will need to give, how often to breed, and what you need to do and not do to make sure that your stud will actually breed with a female.  Contrary to popular belief they don't always know what or how they are supposed to breed and then they would require your assistance.