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sheltie grooming

20 11:02:39

have 4 year old sheltie, Alex, beautiful dog house pet, about 30 pounds, male---what is best possible grooming method?

Hello H.:

Been sick, sorry it took me so long to answer!  

We give our shelties a bath about once or twice a month (depending on if they get muddy or not, sometimes more frequently) with a dog shampoo or gentle baby formula.  

In between bath times we brush with a wire "slicker" brush at least twice a week in the spring/summer, once per week in the winter.  You will be surprised at how much fur comes out!  While brushing use a spray on conditioner... it helps make the hair smoother and doesn't hurt the pup as much.  Also it smells good.

Tip: make sure you are brushing all the way to the base of the hair and not just the surface.  We find that the fur around the neck and on the hindquarters is the toughest to maintain due to deep tangles.  But you'll also find that regular brushing makes these less frequent.

If you have any that are just too messed up to brush, go ahead and cut them out.

Get with your vet on trimming the nails.  There is a particular type of clipper to use that I can't explain but could show you in person.  

Hope that helps.  Let me know if you have any other questions.
