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male lab housebreaking

20 9:49:46

Hi again Karen:
I now have added a male lab to the household.  I rescued the sweet boy from the pound.  He's about a year, in a couple of hours he's lifted his leg twice.  I gave him a loud, firm NO, and put him outside.  Washed the areas with a solution from the vet.  Question is: How do I get him to stop doing this QUICKLY !!

Hi Bonny Jean
I am assuming that he is neutered as they usually do perform the procedure when they are adopted from the pound. Is he doing this in the same spot everytime or other spots?
 Males will do this to mark their territory but it seems like this is an excess. You can try spraying him with a water bottle and using a firm no whenever you catch him doing this. It really shouldn't take that long for him to get the idea.
  You can also contact a trainer or even your vet in your area. They might be able to give you another solution. I know there is a product on the market used for housebreaking but if he is marking his territory, I am not sure this product will work.
 Sorry I can't be of more specific help.