Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Beds and houses

Beds and houses

20 9:17:03


I have a part Huskie(?) part mallamute (?) anyway all sled dog mutt  somewhere around eight years old....pound puppy adopted as a puppy of 3-6 months.   Anyway...he's developed nasty callous looking things on his front "elbows".  I've tried to get him to sleep on a pillow, a rug, a carpet scrap that smells like him, and now he is the proud owner of an igloo doghouse which he refuses to go into.  Instead he is currently asleep on my back steps (wood) with an inch of snow as a lovely blanket.  Do I just give in and let him sleep on the snowy steps/hard ground/wood floor/cement basement/wherever he feels like it?  or is there a way to teach him that beds are good and his house might be even better for his stiff and sore joints?


The best thing i could recomend is leave him be. If a dog likes to sleep on a hard surface let him. You wouldnt want anyone taking you away from your bed now would ya? My dog is the same way he'd rather sit on a hard surface than anything else. And the calluses can be help with a little lotion.. but it is best to keep them there. They actually protect him from irritated skin.