Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Basset Hound > shedding


19 14:50:25

i have a basset hound. and i have having problems with him shedding all the time. he gets brushed at least once a day. what can i do?

Hello Darlene,
They shed atleast twice a year. They don't look like it but they actually have alot of hair. They have a top coat and an under coat. Right now this time of year they are shedding their summer coat and making room for the thicker winter coat.  
If he is shedding all year around. There might be something in his food he is allergic to, or the food is not providing for him.
I would ask your vet if he things that his hair loss is typical shedding or due to lack of nutrients.
There might be a vitamin he can give you to see if it helps his shedding.
