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A dog that bites.

19 14:45:04

Help! Can you find a home for a dog that has bitten?

A friend of mine is extremely upset because she is not able to find a home for her dog. It's normally very loving, but almost unexplicably has bitten several peiple when they try to pet her. But, the last time, she bit was when she got loose and went into the neighbors garage and bit a women. She doesn't growl first and she has not bitten children or other animals - just adults.
We think her previous owner may have abused her.

Your friend needs to get her some counseling! She needs a professional trainer. She could seriously hurt someone. What I would do is to find bring her to an aussie rescue. They can get her training and find a good home for her. Do not just put her in the humane society. They will just put her down. Hopefully this problem can be solved. Make sure she mentions to the rescue this problem. Tell your friend that when she, or someone else pets the dog to not pet on top of the head. That is showing dominance over her and she may not like that. I hope this works out. Email me back telling me what happens. I hope this helped.