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heeler puppy

19 14:41:28

We recently got a heeler puppy that is about 31/2 months old. He are having a lot of difficulty house training him. We have a crate for him and instead of letting us know that he has to go to the bathroom, he just goes in his crate. Also, we feed him in the kitchen and now he has started going in there as well. We also can't put him on our carpet, or any other carpet because he urinates there too. Anytime we go anywhere we just have to hold him or make him sit in his crate because he will urinate on the carpet. We aren't sure what to do, Ive never had this problem with a dog before. We take him outside to his potty place and when we bring him back inside he immediatly urinates on the carpet, even if we are outside for 20 mintues. Any advise?

Hi Rachel, It sounds like he has a bladder infection. He should not be urinating in his long as you take him out every 2 hours.Take him to your vet and have him checked for a urinary infection. A friend of mine just went through exactly the same thing...and low and behold, that is why her puppy was constantly urinating. Be certain to clean up all old stains with "Nature's Miracle" works great. Also, when you take him out...never come back inside until he urinates. Hope this info. was useful to you. Wendy