Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Akita > Compatibility


19 14:36:48


Mala Ceuda
I have a 2 year 7 month old female Akita that is the Queen of the Roost. She has my complete attention and for an Akita she is very good about commands.
I want to get a male Akita and one has come up that is 2 years old that people cannot keep in their home any longer.
Am I going to be able to keep them together? I have heard that they may fight.
Are there any learned observances you would be kind enough to pass on to me concerning the keeping them in the same big yard.
My intent is to eventually breed them one time.

Hi Eagleinaz,

This has "bad idea" written all over it, especially since the male is already 2.
Female akitas (on heat) can be very, very temperamental.
Males are always temperamental.
Bringing him home and having them live together spells nothing but disaster.
There will be fights, I can almost guarantee that. Especially since they are both unsterilised, hormones would be all over the place.

If however, he was merely a pup, you would have had the chance to raise him with her. It would be unlikely that there would be clashes of dominance at that early age, and so they would 'know' each other before any sort of issue would arise, which it would have at some point.

The best advice I can give you is to get a puppy, have her artificially inseminated or have her bred (and by that I mean the bitch tied up while the male proceeds to mate. Very common practice).

Kindest regards